Delaware County on Health Kick

Delaware County is trying to encourage its citizens to take a new, healthy approach to living, by instilling a few simple steps.  For example, instead of co-workers bringing in cookies and cake to share with everyone in mark of a celebration for something, the new Delaware County wellness movement is encouraging workers to replace this with a tray of fruit or veggies.  In addition, rather than taking the elevator between floors to meet with other co-workers, the organization is suggesting using stairs. And, just for fun, if you see your colleague using a paper plate as a Frisbee, don’t be shocked – this is part of the new get-healthy thought process as well.

There was a meeting in Delaware between various bodies on improving wellness in the community.  These organizations included: Meridian Services, Verallia/Saint-Gobain, MITS, banks, Youth Opportunity Center and more.

It makes sense for businesses to be focusing on how to make employees healthier.  In turn, there will be less sick days and thus reduced monetary loss to the firm.  Thus it is not surprising that the Ball Brothers Foundation is in total support of Delaware County’s wellness initiative.  It is providing financial support for the program.

It seems therefore that if Delaware County gets 15 workplaces certified it could be the first state to receive the AchieveWELL Community Recognition.